Our 38 / 357 / 9MM bullets

Posted by George Martin on Jun 15th 2023

38 / 357 / 9 MM Bullet Shapes

We have the following 38 / 357 / 9 MM bullet shapes.

  • 100gRNFP
  • 100gRNFP-NLG
  • 105gTCFP
  • 115gRN-NLG
  • 125gTCFP
  • 145gRN-NLG
  • 147gTCFP
  • 158gRNFP
  • 158gSWC
  • 160gRN-NLG

That's 10 different shaped bullets for 38 / 357 / 9MM applications.

All of these bullets may be sized 0.358. 0.357 and 0.356 inch diameter. The first 2 sizes are for your 38 special and 357 Magnum applications. Please don't forget to look into the 38 Short Colt Case. It's very similar to the 9 MM case. The 0.356 diameter size is for the 9MM case.

Most of these bullets are available in Coated for Lubed finish.  The NLG bullets are not available as lubed bullets, Since there is no lube groove and no place to put the lube.

These are the 100, 115,145 and 160g bullets. Use typically in moon clipped revolvers and PCC

100g are the traditional lightweight bullets.

105g Bullets are by far the most accurate of this group.

125g bullet is great for loading light weight 38 special shorter (1.400" LOA) and longer (1.500" LOA) 38 Special ammunition. As is the 147g bullet.

158gRNFP Nice traditional knock down round.

158gSWC Traditional Bullseye round. Target Shooting.  It punched nice round holes.  Easy to score.

115,145,160 RN-NLG good for PCC loads or modern mooned clipped revolver loads (probably 8 shot).

Flat Point (FP) bullets are a must for tubular magazines.

RN are a must for speed loaders or moon clips.

Any of these bullets will work in a semi-automatic pistol or PCC. Expect to work through feeding/magazine issues as with any bullet.

There is probably a lifetime of reloading projects with these 10 bullets.

We are probably missing a 135g weighted bullet. What else?


Definition for Bullet Shapes

RNFP Round Nose Flat Point

NLG No Lube Groove (coated only)

RN-NLG Round Nose No Lube Groove

TCFP Truncated Cone Flat Point

SWC Semi Wad Cutter

LOA length over all.

PCC Pistol Caliber Carbine